From the trenches...Reports from your Business RepsUnit 2 – Electrical Station Operators In May, 1993, when the Electric Station Operator Training Committee was being formed, one of the main agenda items was the length of the training program. Ten years later, we have finally resolved the issue. Our major concern was always getting more hands-on experience for the Operators before they are put out there on their own. The Committee has agreed to a 24-month training program, with the main focus to be gaining more field experience for our people. The program change will not affect the current trainees or any class that is hired off this list. We will continue to work with DWP management and the Personnel Department, along with City Civil Service, in order to get the changes finalized in time for the next test to be given. Unit 6 – Stores We are greatly disappointed to report that the Material Management & Logistics Joint Labor-Management Committee meetings have been canceled until further notice. We formed this committee with the intent of making procurement and handling of materials a more efficient process, with labor and management working together to resolve common issues. After all, who can better improve the system with appropriate recommendations than the people working within it? Apparently, DWP management does not share the same vision; it chose to create its own committee, the Supply Chain Management Integration Project (SCMIP). In doing so, it has relegated our former Material Management & Logistics JLMC to the status of an advisory committee, an action which was not the intent of the JLMC process. SCMIP is made up of Department business unit directors and consultants. It has asked for JLMC involvement and input, but only “where it is appropriate.” We feel that it is imperative that Local 18 rank and file members, appointed by our Union President, have a say in relevant matters if any meaningful changes are to be made. Unit 8 – Clerical • Recently, a revised parking policy for the John Ferraro Building (JFB) was made available to all employees. Labor and management worked on the parking fee reduction for part-time employees; it went into effect in October, 2002. With the reduction in parking fees for part-time employees, the JFB parking office is now in the process of computing retroactive payments for those part-time employees who are entitled to reimbursement.. • Please do not forget to mark your calendar: Our next Clerical Unit meeting is set for Tuesday, April 8, at 6:00 p.m., at the Union Hall. • At our last Clerical Unit meeting, questions were asked about training availability. We are working with DWP’s Human Resources Department to iron out your concerns. In the meantime, however, did you know that: • Human Resources has an intranet website: that presents weekly questions on topics related to City employment and supervision in a user-friendly format. • Beginning at the end of February, Bridgett Young has arranged for L.A. Trade Technical College people to come to the JFB to teach an evening class on the Elements of Supervision. Because of the overwhelming response, other classes will be scheduled. If you are interested, contact Bridgett at 213/367-1978 or at Thanks, Bridgett, for scheduling this class; well done! • Civil Service half-time update: The benefits statement was completed and forwarded to Legal for review. Any suggested revisions will be discussed by the Half-time Committee and then presented to the Joint Resolution Board. The next scheduled update meeting for part-time Customer Service Representatives is tentatively set for Monday, April 14. As always, I will send out a letter to confirm the date, time and location. • Part-timers: If you have any questions regarding the adjustment in fees for Blue Cross dental, please contact Jennifer Hadley at the Union office (213/387-8274, ext. 137). Unit 14 – Transportation A number of questions have been raised concerning what happened to the training program for Equipment Operators. We have located the latest draft on the subject and the Joint Labor-Management Committee is now reviewing it. We are optimistic that the draft will be finalized and submitted to the Joint Resolution Board for approval within the next couple of months. Unit 15/20 – Pasadena • Local 18 has endorsed four candidates in the March 4 Pasadena municipal
elections. For City Council, we are backing Paul Little, Steven Madison
and Joyce Streator. For Mayor, our choice is Bill Bogaard. • A great deal of controversy has surrounded the construction of two power plants in the City of Pasadena. It has arisen over the fight to have these power plants union built. We will do everything that we can in order to ensure that these facilities are built by unionized workers. • We are requesting that the City of Pasadena offer Local 18’s medical plans to its IBEW members, in addition to the current Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) benefits. Unit 17 – Meter Reading/Field Service All field group members, please take note: It has come to our attention that Meter Readers and other members are being required to work on what management is calling “Mandatory Saturdays.” Please note that there is no requirement for any Local 18 member to work overtime! The language in your MOU does allow for management to schedule overtime, but it is not mandatory. There also is no mention of mandatory overtime in the Department’s own administrative manual. If your supervisor gives you a directive to work overtime on a Saturday, you must advise him or her if you are available or unable to perform the work. If you are not available to work the overtime, the amount of time that you would have worked will be counted as a decline in the Accumulated Overtime Time Log (AOTL). Your supervisor must ask you to work on a particular Saturday prior to the end of your shift. You have the option of accepting or refusing that work. A supervisor cannot simply post a notice of mandatory overtime and expect you to report to work. In accordance with your MOU guidelines, a supervisor must ask each and every one of you about your availability—and willingness—to work that overtime shift. If you have any questions about this policy, please call me at the Union office (ext. 113). Unit 18 – Clerical Supervisory Some unit members have expressed confusion regarding the usage of Article 33 of our MOU (Temporary Assignment to a Higher Paid Position in Class Series). Local 18 is currently discussing the issue with DWP’s Labor Relations Department in order to resolve your concerns. We will report back to you when the matter is fully clarified. Unit 19 – Station Maintenance We wish to congratulate Senior Electric Mechanic Fernando Hernandez, who was elected Unit 19 Vice-Chairman at our February meeting. The officers of Unit 19 are: Steve Leyva, Chairman, Fernando Hernandez, Vice-Chairman and Gene Canzano, Recording Secretary. Unit 19B/60 – Shops • General Shops and FMBG are being transferred to Local 18 Business Rep. Leslie Abbott. The Water Works Mechanics will now be under Business Rep. Gus Corona. The rest will remain with me. • I.S.S. management continues to add to the long-term staffing problem in this business unit by its use of limited and emergency appointments and exempts. Unit 24 – Water Supply • Unit members are looking forward to meeting their new Business Rep., Leslie Abbott, at the March meeting. A Water Supply Shop Stewards meeting is being planned at LAAFP in order to bring Leslie up to speed on Unit 24 issues. • Several grievances at LAAFP have been resolved. We now believe that management is aware that discipline is not meant to be punitive in nature, and that it should adhere to MOU guidelines. A committee is being formed to “meet and confer” with management, with the aim of bringing positive changes to the WTO/WUO Bid Plan. Unit 26 – Custodial • Attention all Custodial Service Attendants: The Senior Custodial Services Attendant and Custodian Supervisor test is set for Saturday, April 19. Applications are available on-line and at the Personnel Department Building on Temple Street. All applications must be submitted by Thursday, March 20. • All unit members are encouraged to attend your Unit 26 meetings, which are held at the Local 18 Hall at 4:00 p.m., on the third Wednesday of every month. Unit 50 – Burbank • We endorsed two candidates for Burbank City Council in the recent February 25 primary. They are Gary Bric and Jef Vander Borght. As always, organized labor supports its political friends, so, as in the case of the Pasadena elections, we hope you got out, helped these labor-endorsed candidates, and made sure they knew you were from IBEW Local 18. • We have submitted requests to open discussions on wage increases for next year. • We are also requesting that the City of Burbank offer Local 18’s medical plans to its IBEW members, in addition to the current PERS benefits. • The Retiree Medical Trust was voted on and passed. It will require an initial start-up fee of $20.00 per employee. Following that, $20.00 per pay check will go into the Trust. The City of Burbank will contribute $2.4 million to the Trust over the next three years. Upon retirement, the payout will be a minimum of $231 per month. Special thanks go to John Washington and Barry Heller for all their work on the Trust. Unit 52 – Surge Submission • Unit 52 continues to face challenges and enjoy success as its representatives challenge DWP to embrace the Joint Labor-Management (JLM) process and work together for a better, safe and more productive workplace. • The Assistant Safety Position for Aqueduct, which Local 18 first proposed and fought for, is now in place. Brother Mike Sullivan has been selected to fill the position. • Staffing up the work force for taking over the Owens Lake Project is moving forward, with all positions for the first round of staffing, excepting the Water Utility Worker slot, already filled. The next budget cycle begins July 1 and we are making recommendations for future staffing. We will hold firm to the idea that Local 18 personnel will be doing the Department’s work there, not private contractors. • As reported in the last Surge, our Owens Valley Telecom members now have a representative on their JMLC; we are in good hands with Brother Ed Eberly putting his shoulder to the task. • Electrical mechanics are being added to the power side, and we continue to keep a close eye on future staffing at Power. • Cotton shirts should soon be available for Aqueduct personnel, on an optional basis, for those employees concerned about the harmful effects of the sun on their skin. • We continue to push for Building Repairer upgrades. • Long-time Aqueduct & Reservoir (A&R) keeper issues include availability of house insurance for remote station positions, a staffing level that actually includes A&R supervisor slots that our members could promote into, and a check in and out of service that would utilize the proper classifications to do the work. • The Aqueduct JLMC is considering how to keep our fleet of vehicles on the road and in safe operating condition; the backlog of overdue inspections and maintenance has reached a crisis point. • As we work closely with management on these issues, please remember that the representatives to these committees have been selected by Local 18 and are working solely in your best interest. If you have questions, go directly to them and discuss your concerns. Far too many rumors are circulated in an attempt to divide us from each other, and I believe that when your speak one-on-one to these reps, you will be impressed with their level of integrity and selflessness. • Remember: not just in the Owens Valley, but throughout the Department, it is always the individual member who first sees any inequity or safety concern, or sometimes, the solution to the problem. By making your voice heard, you can make a difference for yourself and your Local 18 brothers and sisters. Make it to your unit meetings, talk to your JLMC and Worker Safety reps and help make this an even better and safer place in which to work! Unit 53 – Water • Unit Chairman Jim Schrein is still out due to shoulder surgery, and Shop Steward Roy Ortega is still out with a broken ankle. Get well and hurry back! • The Water Distribution Joint Labor-Management Committee is working on procedures for sewer repairs, gas service repairs, electric shock hazards, gate book maintenance, and several other issues at this time. Unit 55 – Communications • Please note that overtime is supposed to be calculated only by supervisor or location. ITS management currently is working on getting us information concerning which of these two options it will exercise at each unit/yard. • Our next unit meeting is set for Wednesday, March 19 at the Boylston Yard. Unit 63 – Underground Construction • The Underground Construction Joint Labor/Management Committee has been meeting for about six months now. The body has discussed a number of issues, including: training, tools, jobsite safety and work procedures. Committee members are Chuck Adams, Sam Adams, Jesus Aguirre, Steve Holzhauer, Ron Lona and Walter Takamura. If there are any matters you would like to see brought to the attention of this committee, please contact one of its members. • We continue to work on the inequity for your section. For more information about this issue, please be sure to attend your unit meeting. |
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